Parents Often Ask These Questions:

Do I have to swim with my child?

Nope! This is an instructor-led class in which your child will be in the pool with Ms. Amanda. 

Will my child cry?

Your child will be doing something completely new, and it might be a little intimidating at first just like anything they've done for the first time. They might cry at first, but please know we specialize in a gentle approach and make it a fun, playful experience. Your child is always safe with their instructor and will start to develop a bond with them quickly. Tears generally lessen between the third and sixth lesson. 

They will gain confidence in the water and soon enough will be showing you their skills like a pro! 

What should my child wear?

We recommend a proper bathing suit AND a "Happy Nappy" Swim Diaper. Please note these diapers are REQUIRED if your child is not fully potty trained. No goggles (in a water accident, your child most likely will not be wearing them and we want to prepare them for any and all situations - we will train your child to open their eyes under water and find a safe spot to swim). 

Should My Child Keep Wearing a Life Jacket?

We absolutely recommend wearing a life jacket in open water such as lakes, rivers, oceans, etc. or on a boat. 

We do not recommend wearing any kind of puddle jumper or floatie while in survival swim lessons - these place your child in a vertical position which is the opposite of what we teach (horizontal). If your child falls in the water without their puddle jumper, they will be in the sinking position. 

How Much Does It Cost?

Each lesson is $35. For the first 6-weeks your child will enjoy 4 lessons per week until you've reached 24 lessons. After your child passes the 2-minute float test, they will be ready for maintenance lessons once per week. 

Can I watch my child's lesson?

Yes! We know the first few times can feel scary as a parent, so we absolutely invite you to watch from the side of the pool in the seating area. If your child is struggling to bond with their instructor, we may ask you to stand out of sight so the child can focus (after all, you won't always be with them if they find a water source on their own). Keep in mind it might take anywhere from 3-6 lessons for your child to bond with their instructor.

Once your child is bonded, you're welcome to come closer to the pool and cheer for them as they master getting in their float! Go baby go!

Will my child learn to swim or just float?

Both! In our sequence, and as they progress, we will teach them to float, rest, swim closer to the edge, rest to grab their breath, swim again, etc. to get themselves to safety. We will be adding stroke development classes as well in the future for our master swimmers! 

Do we have to do maintenance lessons?

Our lessons are based on muscle memory and like the old saying goes, 'if you don't use it, you lose it'. As your childrens muscles grow and stretch, they need reminded of how to use this skill properly. 

What if my child doesn't 'get it' after 6 weeks?

Every kiddo is so different which is why we love them so much! We customize this experience for each unique personality so they have the best chance to survive! We got you!

Should I apply sunscreen before their lesson?

As a mama, I would! Although they are only in the pool for 15 minutes the Texas sun can do some damage to their sensitive skin. I love THIS mineral sunscreen best. It's also great to wear a rash guard!

Will you just throw my child in the water?

We would NEVER do that (and if you see any instructor ever do this elsewhere, run!). We have a very gentle approach that feels more like play to the child. At around 24 lessons, your child will be able to pass a 2-minute float test and will transfer over to maintenance lessons to ensure they keep their skills and become a strong swimmer.